Picking the perfect paint color is a challenge. Even once you settle on a general color, there are still tons of options to choose from. From shades to tones, picking paint isn’t easy. Any interior designer or home builder will tell you that some colors are easier than other’s to find the perfect shade. Here...Read More
If you’re looking to remodel or build a home, chances are you’ve heard to term “load bearing” before. Understanding load-bearing walls are key to planning and designing any home plan or remodel. Here is what you should know about them, and how to identify if a wall is load bearing or not. What is...Read More
There are a lot of inside elements that go into building a custom home, but a house is more than it’s interior. The exterior of a home is just as important as the inside. Indoor-outdoor living is huge right now, and although Toronto doesn’t have the best weather all year round, that is just...Read More
Building a custom home is a long process, one that starts before construction even begins. It’s not uncommon for people to spend years picking the perfect lot and designing the layout before even breaking ground. Preparation is key, but once that’s done you may be wondering when’s the best time to actually start building?...Read More
One of the most common things we hear from clients is how surprised they are that so many professions work on the project. From architects to electricians, many people play a role in making a home. Here are a few of the most common professions you’ll find involved in a custom home building project. ...Read More
Before drywall became popular, wood paneling was used to both protect and decorate walls. Historically, the lower walls of homes were dressed in decorative paneling. This has continued today, with wood paneling being used to add extra style and design to homes. If you’re considering adding wall details to your custom home, here are...Read More
It’s sweater weather in Toronto, which means winter is quickly approaching. Winter is one of the toughest seasons on a home, both inside and out. Your home should be a place to get cozy and warm once the icy weather sets in, so make sure your home is ready! Here are a few tips to...Read More
When building a custom home, a lot of different terms get thrown around. For someone who doesn’t have a background in design or construction, it’s easy to get these words confused. Here is a quick guide to commonly misunderstood design terms and what they actually mean. Modern vs. Contemporary These two terms are...Read More
A colorful front door is one of the easiest and most effective ways people can update their home and boost curb appeal. But did you know that red front doors have cultural significance in many countries? The color red is full of symbolism. The color is associated with strong emotions on both sides, from love...Read More