If you’re looking to build a new home, there are a number of different ways to get plans for it. You could go with an architect that would make custom home plans to fit your lot and family. You could go with a tract builder that has a few different layouts to choose from....Read More
When building a custom home, we often ask people how long they plan to stay in the home. If it’s a forever home that implies that the homeowners plan on retiring here. We’d love for clients to love their homes for that long, but often people forget to think about how home needs change...Read More
People have a hard time looking past paint color and an even harder time picking a new one, but paint can transform a room. It can change its vibe, it’s aesthetic, it can even teleport it into a different time. If you’re looking for some colors that will bring your custom home into 2018,...Read More
When building a custom home, homeowners have to balance their wants with budget and reality. Certain features may seem awesome, but they aren’t necessarily worth the expense as they don’t add any home value. Even worse, some of these cool rooms may actually make it harder to sell your home in the future. If...Read More
If there is one thing that can drastically change how a home looks, feels, and even functions its lighting. When building your custom home, lighting is one of the major aspects we look at. As architects, we make sure we look at what direction the sun hits your home and aim to capitalize on...Read More
Home builders in Toronto get calls every day from homeowners desperately wanting to improve an area or two of their home. Whether it’s dated in style or just doesn’t function for the family, there are tons of reasons people remodel. Building a custom home from scratch isn’t always possible, but renovating and remodeling a...Read More
Even though we build custom homes in Toronto, we get a lot of questions about other types of homes out there. One that has been talked about lately is modular homes. Modular homes are built indoors in a factory, rather than on-site. The nearly finished home is then transported to the plot of land....Read More
Winter brings with it holidays and fun, but there’s also the chilly wind and icy snow. Homes in Toronto, from the older ones to the newly built custom homes, can all feel the impact of such harsh temperatures. While turning on the heat is always an option, there are a few simple ways to...Read More
Every year custom home builders and designers eagerly wait to see what the big paint brands will declare their color of the year. Sometimes it reflects current trends, other times it points towards rising ones, and occasionally the picks seem completely random. Each of the top paint brands has announced their picks for the color of...Read More
Every year brands and companies release what they believe will be the next design trends of the year. Pinterest has joined in this year, releasing their 100 for 2018 list. It’s a list compiled to showcase all of the most popular trends in different industries. Seeing as Pinterest is the go-to site for home décor,...Read More