Flooring is often called the fifth wall because it plays such a vital role in a room. The color, style, and material of the flooring can set the tone of the entire space. But this can also cause issues. Too many types of flooring in a home can make it feel choppy and small....Read More
One of the great things about building a custom home is that you can design it to suit your wants and needs. However, our custom home builders always recommend clients to keep resale in mind. One classic selling rule is that every home needs at least one bathtub. Home without at least one tub cuts...Read More
Once you’ve built a custom home, the next step is interior design! One design idea many people ponder over is accent walls. Accent walls, or feature walls, are single walls in a room that are highlighted in some manner. It could be that they’re painted a bold color, covered in shiplap, or wallpapered. Accent walls...Read More
Making the decision to build a custom home is exciting. But once you make that choice you’re probably wondering what you should do next. Contacting a custom home builder might seem like the logical next step, but be sure to take the time to get these few items ready before you start reaching out!...Read More