When it comes to building a custom home one of the biggest decisions involves flooring. It’s what you’ll walk on every day, it’s one of the biggest features in the home and it has the power to bring together a whole home. Hardwood floors are popular among homebuilders today and it’s easy to see...Read More
A stone countertop is the top requested item in custom homes currently. They’re durable and practical as well as beautiful and luxurious. There are many different types of stone out there though from granite to marble, so how do you know which stone is right for you? It comes down to a number of different...Read More
The basement can often be a neglected space in a home. When building your custom home though don’t let that vital space go to waste. A finished basement, even a blank one, adds home value but why not do something more with it than use it for storage? Basements provide an opportunity to add something...Read More
Whether you’re building a custom home or renovating for long-term or short-term there are some key things homeowners should keep in mind. Resale value is important whether or not you have plans to sell or not. Overbuilding or spending on your custom home could potentially mean you never see a return on your investment. Similarly,...Read More
每年多伦多建筑师学会(TSA)都会开展一场年度盛会来表彰本市最杰出的建筑师和设计师。我们,萨蒂庭建筑设计公司,有幸赞助了此次盛会和组织。该组织也会继续每年都奖励并庆贺最佳的建筑师和建筑。这个盛会于12月8日在华美的建筑——丹尼尔光谱中举行。丹尼尔光谱是由建筑师Diamond Schmitt所建造。 这场晚会以当地最佳建筑师率领的游行开场。然后我们有机会与其他建筑师一边交流一边享用美味的鸡尾酒。晚会的亮点是COBA舞蹈公司的精彩表演。 萨蒂庭建筑设计公司有幸参与了此次晚会。我们希望明年可以继续参与该盛会。Read More
Every year the Toronto Society of Architects (TSA) throws an annual end of year bash honoring the wonderful designers and architects of the city. We, Sina Sadeddin Architectural Designs, were delighted to sponsor the event and organization that continues to work towards promoting and celebrating the amazing architecture and architects of Toronto each year. The...Read More